The Friday Message - Issue No: 09 - The Golden Narration

Issue No: 09 30th October 2009 10th Dhulqa'ada 1430 AH Salamun alaykum,   Birth of the Eighth Holy Imam 11 th Dhulqa’ada : marks the auspicious occasion of the birth date of our eighth holy Imam Ali Ar-Ridha a. s....

The Friday Message - Issue No: 09 - The Golden Narration

Salamun alaykum, 

Birth of the Eighth Holy Imam

11th Dhulqa’ada : marks the auspicious occasion of the birth date of our eighth holy Imam Ali Ar-Ridha a.s. He was born in Medina in the year 148 A.H. He is the son of our seventh holy Imam Musa Al-Kadhim a.s. and Ummul Banin Bibi KhayzranNajma.


His grandfather Imam J’afar Al Sadiq a.s. died one month before the birth of Imam Ali Ar-Ridha a.s. Thus Imam Ali Ar-Ridha a.s. lived in the care of his father Imam Musa Al-Kadhim a.s. for almost 35 years. He imbibed from his father his knowledge, morals and good manners till the latter was taken to Baghdad to suffer the hardship of imprisonment for four years leading to his death in 183 A.H. The holy Imam was 35 years old when his father died and he assumed the office of Imamat. He led the Ummah for 20 years till the time of his martyrdom on 29th Safar,203 A.H. due to poison by the Abbasid Ruler Mamun.

The eighth holy Imam was buried in Sanabad, Toos region. After the burial of Imam Ali Ar-Ridha a.s. in this place, Sanabad soon transformed into a metropolis, later known as Toos and then Mashhad.   

Ar-Ridha : The pleasure:

Ahmed al-Bizanti gave the reason for giving this name Ar-Ridha to eighth holy imam saying: "He was given the name “Ar-Ridha” because he is the good pleasure of Allah, the Most Exalted, in His heaven, the pleasure of His Messenger, and of the Imams after him on His earth.”

Narrators report that it was Imam Musa Al-Kadhim a.s. who gave this name Ar-Ridha to his son. Sulayman bin Hafs reported: "Imam Musa Al-Kadhim a.s. named his son Ali Ar-Ridha. He would say: 'Summon to me my son Ar-Ridha.


Al Hadith Al-Dhahabi : The golden narration :

Once, on his way to Khurasan, when the Imam a.s. was brought by force by the guards of al-Ma'mun from Medina, he arrived on horseback at Nayshapur. Myriads of people gathered round him and all roads were overcrowded as they had come to meet and see their great Imam. When the people saw him, and he was in that appearance resembling the appearance of Holy Prophet, they said loudly, "La Ilaha Illallah” (There is no god but Allah), and exclaimed, Allahu Akber (Allah is great!). They displayed sadness for the Imam and wept for him. Abu Dhar'ah ar-Radhi and Muhammad ibn Aslam at-Tusi, the two great scholars of the day, stepped out of the crowd and begged the Imam to halt there for a moment so that the faithful may be able to hear his voice. They also requested the Imam to address the gathering. The Imam granted the request and in his brief address told the mammoth gathering the real interpretation of La ilaha illalallah.
The Imam delivered to the scholars this holy tradition saying: "I heard my father Musa bin Ja'far say: I heard my father Ja'far bin. Muhammad say: I heard my father Muhammad bin. Ali say: I heard my father Ali bin al-Husayn say: I heard my father al-Husayn bin Ali say: I heard my father the Commander of the faithful Ali bin Abi Talib say: I heard the Prophet, s.a.w.w. say from Allah that : 'There is no god but Allah is My stronghold, so he who enters My stronghold is safe from My chastisement.'" saying: "But according to its conditions, and I am among its conditions."

Surely it can be seen from the statement of kalima, "La Ilaha Illallah” (there is no god but Allah) is one of the strongholds of Allah, saving one from Divine punishment, but according to conditions among which is professing the Imamate of Imam Ar-Ridha, who is the eighth Divinely appointed successor of holy prophet.  

Heartiest Felicitations on the Happy and Auspicious Occasion of the Birth Anniversary of Imam Ali Ar-Ridha (A.S.)

Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah

With salaams and duas

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat


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