The Friday Message - Issue No: 51 - Vital question: On the eve of Eid ul Fitr

Issue No: 51 17th September 2010 7th Shawwal 1431 AH Salamun alaykum, My P. C....

The Friday Message - Issue No: 51 - Vital question: On the eve of Eid ul Fitr

Salamun alaykum,

My P.C. is asking me a question:

Whilst compiling the weekly Risalatul Jum’a /Friday message I utilize the edition of the previous week as my template to prepare the current edition. Working on my P.C. and tapping on the key board, with the mouse at my finger tips I keep on clicking to carry out the drafting, editing and various formatting tasks on this document.

At the end of the day having made the necessary changes in creating the new document as I click on the ‘X’ symbol at the top right hand corner of my document, a little rectangular box appears on the screen asking me the question:

“Do you want to save the changes to Risalatul Juma ?”

Below this question is the option for selecting the Yes tab, No tab or Cancel tab.

What happens?

Everyone in this age of modern technology is fully aware that selecting the No tab literally takes me back to square one. The document is lost. All the effort made in drafting, editing, improving and formatting the document becomes an exercise in vain.

Selecting the Yes tab will save the final version of the document. All the efforts made now bear fruit as I am able to broadcast the Risalatul Jum’a.

Vital question: On the eve of Eid ul Fitr:

On confirmation of the crescent for the end of holy Ramadhan and commencement of Shawwal we all find ourselves in the same situation.

During the holy month of Ramadhan whilst striving to enjoy the Divine hospitality we have done extra efforts to engage ourselves in various deeds of ibadah, additional recitation of holy quran and duas, increased charity, patience, compassion, taken control of our emotions, extra endeavors to refrain from the sawm breakers and other haram actions. At the same time we have spent many hours especially on the nights of Qadr to seek forgiveness for our sins.

If we were to think of our book of deeds with the recording of all these deeds performed in the holy month like the document on a P.C. then as we close the holy month of Ramadhan, like in the case of the open document on the P.C. a critical question is asked from us:

Do you want to save the changes you made to your self in the month of Ramadhan?

Are we going to click on the Yes tab or the No tab?

This is a vital question.

Pressing the No tab will take us to the life we led before the commencement of the holy month. All the efforts made in the spiritual, physical and moral deeds will go down the drain.

Pressing the Yes tab will save the changes we did in our lives leaving us with a new improved version of our selves. This is the purpose of fasting as illustrated in the holy Quran :” O you who believe! Fastig is prescribed for you,as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may learn self restraint-taqwa.”  Sura Al Baqara 2:183

Historical events in Shawwal:

Battle of Uhud : 3rd Shawwal 3 A.H. ( 19th March, 625 C.E.)

Battle of Khandaq : Shawwal / Dhilqad 5.A.H. ( March 627 C.E.)

Wafat of 6th Holy Imam J’afar As-Sadiq a.s. : 25th Shawwal 148 A.H.

Yawme Gham – Day of sorrow : 8th Shawwal 1345 A.H. ( 21st April, 1925) demolition of the mausoleums in Jannatul Baqi, Medina and Jannatul Mu’alla,Makka by King Abdul Aziz bin Saud of Saudi Arabia.

Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah

With salaams and duas

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat


Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat. Al Mahdi, Wickham Road, Fareham, Hampshire . PO17 5BU. Reg. Charity Number: 1010076. Tel: 01329 832537. Fax: 02392-529766
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Member of the Council of European Jamaats
Member of Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board



Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat. Al Mahdi, Wickham Road, Fareham, Hampshire . PO17 5BU. Reg. Charity Number: 1010076. Tel: 01329 832537. Fax: 02392-529766
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Member of the Council of European Jamaats

Member of Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board