On Wednesday 10th November, Sheikh Fazle Abbas, the Resident Alim from Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat, came to our school to talk about the Islamic faith to the children. When Mr Fazle Abbas asked a few questions at the beginning of each session (with KS1 and KS2) he was very impressed with the knowledge that the children showed. All classes in the school had been studying Islam in the week before Mr Fazle Abbas’s visit.
The visit began with Mr Fazle Abbas welcoming the children in Arabic and he helped the children to respond in Arabic too (“as-salaam ‘alykumb”and “wa 'alaykum as-salaam”; which means“peace be with you” and “and also with you”). Then Mr Fazle Abbas went onto speak about the Islamic beliefs of One God, and the prophets of the faith as well as explaining the importance of the Qu’ran. He recited a few verses of the Qu’ran (in Arabic) which sounded like a beautiful song, and let one of the children (Matin in Year 6 - who he recognised from attending the Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat) to also recite the Qu’ran, which Matin did beautifully much to the amazement of the other children.
The children then found out more about the Arabic alphabet through a video before Mr Fazle Abbas developed their knowledge of the Pillars of Islam and shared how Makkah (Mecca) is a very holy place where all Muslims try to make
a pilgrimage to at least once in their lives. All Muslims when praying face towards the direction of Makkah no matter where in the world they are. The strong message that came through for the children, and indeed all the teachers and TAs who were present, was that there were so many similarities between the Catholic and Islamic faith. Words like peace, love, community charity, praying, fasting and mercy are words that we know well as Catholics as parts of our faith but it was wonderful to hear that there were so many similarities between our faiths. The children were given a chance to respectfully look at the Qu’ran as they left the hall. It was a beautiful, spiritual experience for the children which was made all the more powerful by the kindness and humanity shown by Mr Fazle Abbas. The children will remember his kindness and indeed, much more about the Isalmic faith, from this most worthwhile of visits.
We thank Mr Fazle Abbas and his community for the time he spent with us, the knowledge he shared and the wonderful kindness in his presentation and interactions with the children. We look forward to developing this relationship in the future.
Mr Declan Dixie-Goodwin
Interim Headteacher
St Swithuns Catholic School