QSC Session 2 | 11th April 2014

Salamun Alaykum, The session began with: ‘Knowledge Check’:  a refresher activity based on previous session followed by a brief discussion on the last session’s concluding question, ‘Whether there is a need for tafseer and why? Salamun Alaykum, The session began with: ‘Knowledge Check’:  a refresher activity based on previous session followed by a brief discussion on the last session’s concluding question: ‘Whether there is a need for tafseer and why?...

QSC Session 2 | 11th April 2014

Salamun Alaykum,

The session began with: ‘Knowledge Check’:  a refresher activity based on previous session followed by a brief discussion on the last session’s concluding question:

‘Whether there is a need for tafseer and why?’

Some of the points put forward were:

  • Human society continuously evolving
  • Constant advance of knowledge and technology, scientific discoveries taking place
  • Maturing of human intellect and understanding
  • The necessity of seeking Divine guidance from the Noble Qur’an to lead lives in submission
  • Furthermore, the word tafseer comes from the root verb ‘fasara’ meaning ‘to uncover’; thus the Ulama of Qur’an continue to interpret and uncover the layers of apparent and hidden meanings underlying the glorious words in the Qur’an.

Thus, during these Qur’an Study Circle (QSC) sessions, we’ll be studying the tafseer conducted by Ulama, undertaking tadabbur (reflecting upon the verse) and deriving inspiration to apply to our lives today.

We then moved forward to discuss the Sura Al Kawthar, (Chapter 108). Herebelow is a summary of the discussion:

  • This is the shortest Sura in Qur’an of three sentences consisting of less than 10 words.
  • Historical occasion of the revelation of the verse.
  • A point to take into consideration is that several translators of the Qur’an in English have omitted to translate the word ‘Kawthar’ and instead chosen to leave it as it is in arabic.
  • Reference to various ahadith and historical events to connect to the diverse implications and meanings of the word ‘Kawthar’.
  • Kawthar: Kawthar is a river /fountain of super excellence belonging to holy prophet where only the righteous will be allowed to drink from it on the day of judgement.Imam Ali will be serving the water from it. From that day Imam Ali bin abi Talib was referred to by the companions as Saaqi Al Kawthar - The one who serves the Kawthar.
  • Kawthar : Bibi Fatima is the fountain for the continuation of the progeny of the holy prophet. Several views:-Bestowal of Quran, Prophethood, Abundance of unbounded grace, wisdom and knowledge, mercy and goodness, spiritual power and insight, in highest degrees, and of progeny has been given to the Noble Prophet.
  • Application of first verse of the Surah to our lives: gratitude for the various types of abundant bounties bestowed upon us.
  • Ayah 2: deliberation on the key word ‘nahar’; Sacrifice. Nahr: sacrifice of camel, facing towards qibla, adorning the salat by raising of hands parallel to ears at time of takbir as done by the angels during prayers.
  • By sacrificing one is submitting. This is akin to the action of raising one’s hand in takbeer; an action for complete submission that one is not the master of all the bounties.
  • Reminded not to become intoxicated in our blessings; For all the gifts of life advised to give away something in service to the Almighty.
  • An example of true sacrifice was that of the events leading to the revelation of Surah Dahar; and the epitome of sacrifice was the event of Ashura that took place on the blessed lands of Karbala.
  • Application: giving in the way of Almighty means giving away of something beloved such as our time, effort and support towards the community and those in need.
  • Ayah 3: Almighty’s promise to His beloved Prophet (saww), that his enemies will be ‘abtar’ - without the blessings of continuation.
  • The prophet being opposed not as a person, but due to his mission. Likewise a muslim steadfast on Islam too will face challenges. Will you remain steadfast, offer gratitude and sacrifice?  Consideration that these enemies were those of the message of the Almighty and that the climax of this promise will blossom in Aakhirah.

Fadhilah (excellence) of reciting Sura Al Kawthar:

  • “One who recites this sura, Allah will serve him drink from the rivers of Jannah and will be rewarded equal to the number of sacrifice presented by the worshipper on the day of Eid.” Noble Prophet
  • “Reward for reciting the sura is compared to ten times the number of animals sacrificed on Eid ul Adhha every year till the day of qiyamat.
  • “One who recites (sura al kawthar) in his obligatory and recommended prayers, Allah will serve him drink from the Kawthar on the day of Qiyama and will be in the company of the Messenger of Allah under the shade of Tooba(tree).” Imam J’afar As Sadiq as.

The Sura for discussion in next QSC is Sura al-‘Asr, chapter 103.

Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah.

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat