The Friday Message - Issue No: 123 - Protect the Definition of Marriage?

Issue No: 123 8th June 2012 17th Rajab 1433 A. H....

The Friday Message - Issue No: 123 - Protect the Definition of Marriage?



Issue No: 123
8th June 2012
17th Rajab 1433 A.H.

Salamun alaykum,

Union of man and woman:

Throughout history and virtually in all human societies marriage has always been the union of a man and a woman. Marriage is an exclusive commitment between man and woman leading to consummation of sex and conception of children. The feelings of affection, love and mercy between man and woman and the relationship of marriage is one of the Divine signs for men to reflect.

“And of His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He ordained affection and mercy between you. There are indeed signs in that for people to reflect.” (Sura Ar Rum 30:21)

Such unique is this relationship of marriage that it is Divinely adored as stated by the holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w.) that, “There is no institution in Islam more beloved and dearer to Allah than marriage.”

According to the law of the United Kingdom, marriage can only take place between a man and a woman. The solemnisation of marriage can be done either in a civil ceremony or a religious ceremony. Under the U.K. law people of the same sex cannot marry. This noble institution of marriage is banned for same sex couples. However, a same-sex couple can register a civil partnership instead.

Public consultation by the Government:

The Government Equalities Office is holding a public consultation on same-sex marriage. It is to seek views on how the government can remove the ban on same-sex couples having a civil marriage. It closes on Thursday 14 June.

By use of the term ‘same-sex marriage’ and  introducing civil marriage for same-sex couples the definition of marriage is now being redefined. This is an attempt to ‘stretch’ the meaning of marriage.

Whereas the relationship between same-sex couples is being recognized by the U.K. law under civil partnership, this redefinition of marriage is to include same sex couples relationship having a ‘marriage’, albeit not religious, but civil.

What will be the result?

The consequences for redefining marriage are far reaching. This does matter greatly to us, our children and our future generation. Once this same-sex couples relationship is legalized as ‘marriage’ (a civil marriage), then there will be a slippery slope leading to many serious consequences for all religious communities, including the Muslim community. That is why something needs to be done about this attempt.

What can I do?

Respond to the Government’s consultation. It is a duty incumbent upon all of us to speak and defend the sanctity of the meaning of marriage and preserve the sacred institution of marriage. Like other concerned citizens in the U.K. tell the Government to leave marriage alone. Tell the Government directly that you oppose its plans to redefine marriage. Please do it now.


1.   Respond to the Consultation by the Government. The deadline is on Thursday 14 June 2012. This means that there is just a week left for you to respond. It will only take you 60 seconds to complete this quick simple form.

2.   Sign online petitions set up by Muslims Defending Marriage and by Coalition for Marriage

Does it Matter?

Yes each new signature helps to protect the sacred definition and noble institution of marriage. You will have performed your civic duty and discharged a moral and religious obligation, InshAllah.

Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat