Tarbiyah Online Madrasah for Awwal R/Awwal and Baseer from Saturday 3/10/2020 & Timetable

Tarbiyah Online Madrasah for Awwal R/Awwal and Baseer from Saturday 3/10/2020 & Timetable

أَعظَمَ اللهُ أُجُورَنا و أُجُورَكُم بِمُصابِنا بِالحُسَين ع

Dear parents, 


Salamun alaykum, 

I pray that you and your families are keeping well. May Allah Reward you and your family for the azadari on Aba Abdillah Imam Husayn a.s. 

Bihamdillah,19th September, 2020 was an exciting day when the Qawiy, Daleel, Ihsaan and Faraj classes successfully commenced live Tarbiyah lessons as part of our Online Madrasah strategy. MashAllah the teachers did very well in taking the plunge to commence the online delivery. The feedback I have received from a number of parents is positive. Thank you for this. We are now excited to pilot the Tarbiyah Online lessons for the younger classes as herebelow: 

Awwal R / Awwal 1 / Baseer Tarbiyah: 

Lesson for the above classes will InshAllah commence from Saturday 3rd October, 2020.  

The timing for Awwal R on 3rd October will be from 10:00 a.m. As for the ensuing sessions the start timings will be informed to you by the teachers.   

The Awwal 1 and Baseer classes will commence from 11:00 a.m. 

Any changes to class timings will be communicated directly to the parents by the teacher. Please keep an eye out for email communications.


All parents will have received email invitations to meetings scheduled by the respective Class teachers using a specific Madrasah Class email I.D of your child’s class. Could you ensure that you are ready to log in on time, at least 5 minutes before the lesson is to begin, with your desktop/ tablet/ phone or device and that your child is prepared for the lesson.


With this development, the feeling of Saturdays for Madrasah with Qur’an recitation and Tarbiyah lesson is settling in, MashAllah. Teachers are kindly volunteering to continue teaching remotely and InshAllah we pray that we can all benefit from these arrangements. I am sure you all realise that this is a completely new way of working for both teachers and students and no doubt there will be teething issues. As we continue to become accustomed to this new strategy of delivering Deeni T’aleem to our children we will review how things are going and adapt and improve as we go on, InshAllah. 


Tarbiyah Catch up lessons: 

Attached is the Madrasah timetable for part of the Autumn term. During this Autumn term, at least up to the half term, it is our endeavor to deliver the essential lessons from the remaining modules of Tarbiyah curriculum that would have been completed during the Academic Year 2019 /20. Thus, your child /ren will remain in the same class groups.  


Al Mahdi Online Madrasah - Code of Conduct 

This is attached to the email. It contains expectations from the students, parents and the teachers. This is to ensure a safe, engaging and meaningful experience of learning and sharing in the Online Madrasah. Please take the time to read and let your child/ren familiarise with them. Thus, contribute to the success of the Online Madrasah. We expect that parents and all children have been informed about this attached Code of conduct and agree with it as they join their class this Saturday and any Madrasah online activity going forward. 


Expectation from students: 

Be on time. ‘Attend’ all lessons and be punctual. Like at the physical Madrasah sessions held at al Mahdi Centre, our usual expectations of behaviour will continue to apply for Online sessions. Refer to page 1 of attached Code of conduct.


Expectation from parents: 

Ensure that children are logged into Zoom earlier, at least 5 minutes, before the lesson is due to begin. Parents must ensure that their child/ren uphold respect and discipline and use the online platform responsibly. Refer to page 2 of attached Code of conduct.

All parents, as a stakeholder for your child’s education, are expected to increase their involvement in the learning of Deeni T’aleem for their children at home.  


Prepare your child: Dressing 

An important aspect of preparation for Madrasah is arranging appropriate Madrasah dressing for your child. This is essential for developing the mindset of the child towards the Madrasah programme.  Your child should be dressed as if they would be attending Madrasah physically observing the dress code especially the hijab. 

Our female teachers will also be observing full hijab. However, we ask parents to be mindful that where lessons are being conducted by our female teachers, to the best extent possible only mothers, if required, should be present during those classes. 


Prepare your child: Resources: Could you ensure that your child attends the session with the Tarbiyah manual, writing material (Pen/Pencil, Paper) and any learning resources requested by the teachers. 


Attendance: This will be recorded in each class and so our usual attendance policy will apply which includes the monitoring of late attendance. 


Report Absenteeism: If your child is unable to attend Online Madrasah then could you kindly notify the Madrasah on the day either by an email to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or SMS text to 0786 475 8000.


If you have any queries related to the Madrasah lessons, then please contact the head of the class your child is in. Meanwhile, as has been the case, feel free to contact me if there is any clarification you may need.

Request you to kindly pray for barakah and success of our endeavours for Online Madrasah for our children. 


Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat