IEF hosted by Wessex Jamaat – First Impressions

IEF hosted by Wessex Jamaat – First Impressions


  • I was delighted and impressed how welcoming and friendly you all are. I wish I lived nearer this area to visit you more often.
  • Warm, welcoming, friendly, youthful sincere enthusiasm. Open, and such helpful explanations of the prayer time. Joyful hospitality and sharing of what we have in common – so much. We need to break down fear, barriers and mistrust – it is all misplaced. Thank you seems inadequate.
  • They were so warm and lovely!
  • Warmth and sincerity of the welcome – they thanked us first! Unique sharing of our common humanity and goodwill.
  • A double blessing to us and, we pray, to you.
  • Delighted that we began with prayer. Moved by the generosity of the welcome. Enjoyed the discussion group. Moved by the sheer joy of the whole occasion and the natural spontaneity. 
  • A fine Imam with a fine young colleague. Men and women worshipping in the same room was helpful and encouraging.
  • Much thanksgiving for Friday night – the warmth of friendship and welcome made me feel I had met the life of Islam for the first time - although I have read books and been in other mosques in India and Turkey.
  • Impressed by the care for the environment in the development, warmth of the welcome and lively discussion.
  • Appreciated hearing of their experience – and hospitality. Commend the ecological responsibility of the heating system in the new building.
  • Wonderful ecology, discussion and welcome.
  • Rejoice at our harmony
  • Open and frank conversations with two younger professionals who were not afraid to ask questions and answer mine.
  • Warmth of welcome – Clarity of presentation – Radiance of holiness.
  • I was greatly moved by the warmth and generous spirit of our hosts. A beautiful atmosphere!
  • Thank you so much for your wonderful welcome and hospitality. I appreciated, very much, the leaflet giving a translation of the prayers, giving me a better understanding of what was happening and the chance to ask questions afterwards. The time of discussion will live with me for a long time. It was wonderful to share with young people with whom we have so much in common as people of the book and descendants of Abraham. In Manchester we have the Faith Network for Manchester, but rarely have we there had such deep connection as with you.
  • Friendliness and openness – part of a learning experience. Hospitality is common to all faiths. Commonality of ecological concerns.
  • Thank you for explaining what various things meant very clearly – and also for the welcoming by all men and women. It was so interesting to talk after prayer to clarify all that had occurred. 
  • Informative, inspirational, barrier-breaking, confidence-building, mutuality.
  • Impressed by hospitality and being able to experience Friday Prayers.
  • Very impressed with the care of creation expressed in the new building. Warmth of welcome and hospitality. Grateful to be included in their prayer time. Realising that we share with them some feelings of being on the margins of materialist/secular society.
  • People of Faith reaching out to one another in encounter and community, sharing ideas for action and social justice and care for the earth, our common home.